Dukan diet: stages, menu, pros and cons

Losing extra pounds is a definite plus of the Dukan diet

Nutritionist Pierre Dukan developed a nutritional system many years ago. Today it is called the "Dukan diet", the daily menu of which will help you overcome excess weight and not gain it in the future.

The diet is divided into 4 periods. Each of them will be discussed in detail in this material.

The basis of the Dukan diet

This diet is based primarily on protein foods, which can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities. The bottom line is that to absorb protein, the body spends a lot of its own energy, obtaining it through the breakdown of "native" fat deposits. In the future, vegetable crops are added to the protein diet, which diversify the diet with vitamins, macro and microelements, and dietary fiber.

While carrying out his research, the doctor discovered one hundred food products needed by the human body. This hundred has a highly nutritious effect on the body, preventing the accumulation of extra pounds.

But the basis of the diet does not end there. There is one mandatory condition:

  • it is necessary to reduce salt intake;
  • water - at least 2. 5 liters per day;
  • unlimited protein intake.

Value and weak link

One of the main requirements of this diet is that its use requires consultation with a doctor, since almost every person has his own "pitfalls" in the body.


What is good about this diet:

  • weight loss occurs within the first 7 days;
  • when eating protein foods, there is no need to count calories;
  • the useful hundred products discovered by Dukan allow you to make many different dishes;
  • there is no limit on the amount of food allowed;
  • If you don’t pounce on all the food in the world, then after stopping the Dukan diet, the weight will not return.

Weak link

Disadvantages of the diet:

  • excess protein food overloads internal organs, failure of which can harm the body;
  • alcohol ban;
  • a limited amount of dietary fiber at the initial stage can lead to stool retention;
  • mandatory implementation of the entire principle of this dietary nutrition;
  • long-term diet (depending on losing the desired amount of kg).
Drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited on the Dukan Diet

To a large extent, it is important to comply with all restrictions in each period of the Dukan diet.

Four periods of the Dukan diet

The proposed nutritional principle by nutritionist Dukan consists of four parts. Each one is like a separate sub-diet. It is possible to proceed to the next step only after completing the previous one.

But it is important to note that in order not to harm your own body, you need to prepare it. After all, any change is stressful:

  1. Reduce the consumption of "white and sweet death" - salt and sugar.
  2. Gradually reduce portions of baked goods made from white flour.
  3. You need to start drinking the right amount of water – up to 2. 5 liters per day.

It is impossible not to touch upon the topic of finance - this principle of nutrition does not apply to the available methods. There will be a need to buy environmentally friendly products, and they will require financial investments.

"Attack" period

This part is the shortest. Its duration is at the mercy of the number of kilograms from which there is a desire to get rid of:

  • excess weight 3-5 kg = 2 days;
  • excess weight 6-10 kg = 5 days;
  • excess weight of 11 kg or more - the attack will last at least 10 days.

Food during the attack will consist of products approved by Dukan:

  • low-calorie lactic acid products;
  • chicken and turkey meat;
  • lean veal, goat meat;
  • lean fish;
  • seafood;
  • chicken eggs - whites without restrictions;
  • water, at least 2. 5 liters.

The following are strictly prohibited:

  • all varieties of cereals;
  • beans, peas, asparagus;
  • fat meat;
  • white flour and everything made from it;
  • any varieties of fruits and berries;
  • cheese;
  • alcohol;
  • any type of canned food.

To enhance the taste of dishes, you can use: lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, spices. The dishes are prepared in any way, the main thing is without fat.

Period "Alternation"

This part lasts until the weight is reduced to the desired results. And this is usually up to 7 months.

The name "Alternation" is the basis when protein days alternate with protein-vegetable days in a circle. The number of days in this circle can be chosen at your discretion. The main thing is that there should be the same number of both days.

During the diet, 0. 8 to 1 kg of weight is usually lost in seven days. In rotation, vegetables that do not contain starch are added to the permitted foods:

  • tomatoes, daikon, bell pepper;
  • black Eyed Peas;
  • squash, pumpkin;
  • cabbage in all its varieties;
  • any edible mushrooms;
  • basil, leaves and celery root.

During this period, it is allowed to consume 1 teaspoon of olive oil per day.

"Fixation" period

This period of the diet is the most difficult. The weight dropped to the desired level. Thoughts to stop appear. That's the problem. Stopping the diet now would ruin all previous efforts. And all the kilograms that were lost with such difficulty will return in double form.

The duration depends on the number of kilograms lost. There is a so-called formula in which 1 kilogram lost is equivalent to 10 days. We get - the lost 10 kg * 10 days we get 100 days for consolidation. A huge plus is that you can arrange "joyful" days. This is when it is allowed to eat potatoes, beets, carrots, peas, corn, and beans. True, one day a week, but in any quantity.

Products that are allowed are divided into four types:

  • protein food;
  • protein and vegetable foods;
  • protein, vegetable and starch foods;
  • "joyful" day (but once a week).

"Stabilization" period

It will help you maintain your weight for the rest of your life. There is simply a need to follow certain rules:

  • leaving the table with a slight feeling of hunger;
  • water 2. 5 liters per day;
  • Once a week, a fasting day of any protein products;
  • physical training.

Prohibited products during this period include: refined sugar and everything that is made from it, and white flour and everything that is made from it.

This part can be called a healthy lifestyle with proper eating behavior.

Essential foods for the Dukan diet

What foods should you eat:

Lactic acid Seafood Meat Vegetables Fish Eggs
  • cottage cheese
  • kefir
  • yogurt
  • milk
  • Ryazhenka
  • feta cheese
  • shrimps
  • crayfish
  • crabs
  • lobster
  • oysters
  • mussels
  • veal
  • beef
  • chicken
  • turkey
  • liver
  • language
  • ventricles
  • pigeons
  • quail
  • rabbit meat
  • salad
  • celery
  • cucumbers
  • zucchini
  • asparagus
  • sorrel
  • pepper
  • tomatoes
  • pumpkin
  • daikon
  • green onions
  • cabbage
  • mushrooms
  • beet
  • carrot
  • cod
  • pollock
  • blue whiting
  • herring
  • mackerel
  • sardine
  • sprat
  • salmon
  • caviar
  • herring
  • capelin
  • chicken
  • quail

This list of products is allowed subject to the recommendations of Dr. Dukan.

Menu by periods for every day

Each period of the Dukan diet has its own menu. To achieve results, you must strictly adhere to the menu.

"Attack" period

Attack Period Menu

Days First meal Second meal Snack 3 hours before bedtime
Monday Quail egg omelette Steamed veal Kefir Boiled fish
Tuesday Glass of fermented baked milk Young boiled beef Cottage cheese Grilled chicken fillet
Wednesday Low-fat cottage cheese Boiled turkey Egg white omelette Piece of boiled salmon
Thursday 100 g low-fat cheese Baked veal Quail eggs Cottage cheese
Friday 2 soft-boiled eggs Baked fish Ryazhenka Steamed beef roll
Saturday Chicken and one egg Young beef cutlets Cottage cheese Quail
Sunday Cottage cheese 200 g Turkey fillet roll Yogurt Rabbit meat
During the Alternating period of the Dukan diet, you need to eat protein and vegetable dishes

The number of meals can be any, as well as the amount of food eaten. Mandatory drinking regime.

Period "Alternation"

Period menu "Alternation"

Days First meal Second meal Snack 3 hours before bedtime
Monday Low-fat cottage cheese, green tea Steamed fish, kefir Ryazhenka Two egg white omelette, herbal drink
Tuesday Soft-boiled eggs, raw vegetables, coffee drink Chicken soup with added herbs Ryazhenka Cottage cheese with added vegetables
Wednesday Chicken, weak tea Ear soup with greens Kefir Turkey fillet baked with cheese
Thursday Cottage cheese, weak green tea Vegetable soup with herbs and a piece of veal Yogurt Chicken meatballs with fresh vegetables
Friday Fried quail eggs, salad, weak coffee with milk Grilled lean beef with vegetables Ryazhenka Steamed rabbit cutlets, herbal drink
Saturday Cottage cheese with herbal drink Vegetable soup with a piece of baked chicken fillet Brynza Cabbage pancakes, yogurt
Sunday Cheese pancakes, yogurt Lobster meat with herbs and yogurt sauce Kefir Stewed vegetables with minced veal
Eating meat is a must for the Dukan Diet

In this period of the diet there is more variety, which means it is easier to tolerate "Alternation".

"Fixation" period

Menu of the period "Pinning".

Days First meal Second meal Snack 3 hours before bedtime
Monday Cottage cheese casserole, berries, coffee drink Fish soup, slice of bread Applesauce Vegetable casserole, veal, green tea
Tuesday Oatmeal with fruit Durum pasta, feta cheese Meatballs with vegetables Cottage cheese, fermented baked milk
Wednesday Eggs in a bag, a piece of bread, a glass of milk Vegetable soup, chicken, tea Berries 200 g Cottage cheese
Thursday Cottage cheese with fruit and weak tea Bean soup, beef, Stewed vegetables, fish Ryazhenka
Friday Omelette of two egg whites with herbs, weak tea Fish soup with herbs and vegetables Baked apple Stewed vegetables with a piece of rabbit meat, herbal tea
Saturday Buckwheat porridge with meatballs, coffee with milk Vegetable soup with meat, zucchini cutlets, tea Vegetable salad with added seafood Apple, curd puree, weak tea
Sunday Curd pancakes, glass of milk Meat broth with herbs and egg, a piece of bread Fresh unsweetened berries Ryazhenka
A varied menu for the Consolidation period of the Dukan diet

This period is characterized by a more varied diet than the previous one. There is already plenty to choose from.

"Stabilization" period

The Dukan diet menu for this period is more varied and complete than previous periods. The only difference from the "Consolidation" period is the mandatory fasting protein day on Thursdays (as recommended by Dr. Dukan).

Protein food in the diet of the fasting day of the Stabilization stage of the Dukan diet

Recipes by Pierre Dukan

Thai chicken broth


  • chicken fillet – 1 pc. ;
  • cooled clean liquid – 1 l;
  • cilantro sprigs - half a bunch;
  • Schisandra herb – 1 stem;
  • papeda quillum – 1 leaf;
Thai chicken broth for those following the Dukan diet

Place chicken fillet in a saucepan and fill with pre-chilled water. Putting on the fire, bring to a boil, collect the foam. Make the fire smaller. Cut half of the onion into two parts, chop the sprigs coarsely, and crumble the leaf of the urchin. Add all the prepared ingredients to the chicken fillet, which is already being cooked. Continue cooking the soup over low heat for about three more hours. Lemongrass and papeda quillum will add freshness and aroma to this soup.

Jelly dessert


  • low-fat cottage cheese – 0. 4 kg;
  • chicken egg white – ½;
  • gelatin – 1 sheet
  • xylitol – 1. 5 tbsp. l. ;
  • almond extract – 4-5 drops.
Curd jelly is a delicious dessert on the Dukan diet menu

Soak gelatin in a container of chilled water. Separately, heat some cottage cheese. Do not dissolve the gelatin, wait until it swells, squeeze out and dry. Then add it to the cottage cheese. Mix thoroughly until the gelatin dissolves. Place the remaining cottage cheese, part of the xylitol and almond extract in a bowl. Beat until smooth and combine with curd gelatin. Beat ½ egg white and add the remaining xylitol at the end. Carefully combine the resulting foam with the cottage cheese. Divide the mixture into two molds and cool in the refrigerator.

Dukan diet options

Nutritionist Dukan has developed more than one diet option. People are all different, and everyone has their own preferences or limitations. Based on this, Pierre Ducamp developed:

  • express diet;
  • vegan diet;
  • dietary food for pregnant and lactating women.

Express diet

This type of dietary nutrition is designed for those who have already lost extra pounds, but for certain reasons "fell off" the intended path and some of the weight has returned. This is an easy, uncomplicated diet consisting of protein foods. This type is more versatile and not so complicated in restrictions. In seven days you can lose up to 1 kg of weight. But the requirements for water and physical education remain unchanged.

  1. Day one – any amount of protein food.
  2. Day two - add vegetables (except potatoes) to the diet of the first day.
  3. Day three – days 1 and 2 do not limit food intake + one apple.
  4. Day four – proteins, vegetables, fruit + a piece of bread.
  5. Day five – proteins, vegetables, fruit, a piece of bread + 30 g of low-fat cheese.
  6. Day six – to the diet of the fifth day, add up to 0. 2 kg of starch products of your choice.
  7. Day seven - all products of the sixth day. But there is good news - on this day you can eat whatever you want.

This diet option is the simplest and longest lasting. There won’t be instant results, but there won’t be any heavy moral burden either.

Vegan food

There is no particular difference between the classic Dukan diet and nutrition for vegans. The basis for the diet is still the same protein products. But animal proteins will be excluded from this diet.

Acceptable products:

  • eggs of all kinds;
  • low-fat lactic products;
  • feta cheese and soy cheese;
  • porridge;
  • soy meat;
  • beans, asparagus, beans;
  • unsweetened fruits.
Dietary nutrition according to the principles of Dukan for vegans

Vegans do not consume animal proteins. But if you apply the Dukan diet, you must consume egg and lactic acid products in this case. The water and physical education regime remains unchanged.

Dietary food for pregnant and lactating women

Since Pierre Dukan is a nutritionist, an undoubted requirement for this category of women will be to maintain weight within the required limits. But these women are special. And therefore, the doctor suggests that pregnant and lactating women use the third period in their daily diet - "Consolidation". Success will not be visible immediately, but in general, extra pounds will not appear, and it will not cause harm to yourself or the child.

The Downside of the Dukan Diet

Any dietary food is developed to treat a specific pathology. The Dukan diet is primarily for combating excess weight. But having chronic diseases in the body can cause harm.

If you have a stomach ulcer, following the Dukan diet is contraindicated.

List of pathologies for which it is prohibited to use this type of dietary food:

  • chronic inflammation of the liver;
  • hypertension;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • joint inflammation;
  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vascular sclerosis.

For these diseases, you cannot use Dr. Dukan’s diet, which is the downside of this method of losing weight.

People's opinions about this diet

Reviews from people who have achieved positive results:

Girl before and after losing weight on the Dukan diet
  • "Wonderful diet. I have been overweight since childhood. And whatever she tried to do. A year ago I began my "journey" with Dr. Dukan. Result: I weighed 80 kg (with a height of 160 cm), 26 kg were lost and are not coming back. "
  • "I am a mother of three children. And, of course, during and after childbirth - excess weight. I have experienced all the methods of losing weight from pills to massages. The result is negative. But a friend suggested this type of diet. I won’t torment you with stories for a long time. In the first 10 days (and I weighed 95 kg) I lost almost 15 kg! I was so happy with this start that I decided to go through all the periods of the diet and reached the end. Today my weight, with a height of 170 cm (and I am not a teenager), is 68 kg. Total - minus 27 kg. Thanks to the Dukan diet. She's worth it. "

Doctors' opinion about this diet

Currently, there is a point of view among some doctors about the unfavorable effect of this type of medical nutrition on the functioning of internal organs. There are doctors who claim that this diet has a detrimental effect on the kidneys, lungs, heart muscle, and joints. This diet cannot be used if there are chronic processes in the body.

Before following the Dukan diet, you should consult a doctor.

In conclusion, I would like to note that this type of diet has its pros and cons. And you shouldn’t make hasty decisions based on someone else’s positive or negative experience. Be wise to your own body and consult your doctor.