The keto diet

steak with greens and vegetables for the keto diet

Surely every woman noticed that for some reason it is worth forgetting about junk food for a few days and living them on a dairy group or even on a piece of lean meat, 1-2 kg is gone.

This is due not only to an accidental decrease in the calorie content of the menu, but also to a significant withdrawal of carbohydrates from the diet. This is the principle behind the keto diet, which is part of the group of protein systems.

In a way, this way of adjusting your parameters can be compared to the "drying" that athletes resort to. But the keto diet has a more complete menu, although not the most balanced one. It is sometimes referred to as a gentle version of the classic carbohydrate-free regimen, as plant-based carbohydrates are still present.

What is the essence of the technique?

The indisputable advantage of this nutritional system lies in the fact that due to the correct selection of products during the keto diet, the body begins to break down not muscle mass for energy, but stale fat reserves. As a result, weight loss is correct. If you explain the process differently, then in the case of a deficiency of carbohydrates, the level of glucose decreases, which is directly related to energy. At this moment, ketone bodies are synthesized in the liver, which are analogs for the fallen glucose, and which are taken to ensure the body's efficiency. From this process, the keto diet gets its name.

But, despite such a scheme, the keto diet will not work without lowering the calorie content of the menu. Therefore, even here it will be necessary to either deal with the calculation of the individual basic metabolism, or be limited to general principles that speak of reducing the energy value of the diet to 1100-1200 kcal. In parallel with this, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is being revised. The number of the latter falls to 100 g per day, although in some cases it is advised to subtract up to 50 g. And the former and the latter necessarily increase, moreover, in the keto diet menu, special attention is paid to fats, and not proteins.

A moment should be noted right away, which is repeatedly mentioned in reviews about the keto diet: although a deficiency of carbohydrates for a short period of time is not terrible for a person, there are some cases in which it is unacceptable. In particular, these are periods of high stress. Here, the lack of carbohydrates not derived from vegetables or fruits leads to a hypoglycemic reaction. In addition, it is forbidden to try the keto diet on oneself and to persons with disorders of the liver, cardiovascular system, and kidneys.

Foods for the keto diet: allowed and prohibited

Since it was previously indicated that the menu for the keto diet is not composed by simply rejecting carbohydrates, but through the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you will have to pay attention to the acceptable and unacceptable foods for the keto diet. And also their volume, allowed during the day.

And the first point concerns drinks. Although alcohol contains few carbohydrates, if you turn to some of its types, you will have to exclude absolutely all of it. The problem is not so much in calorie content, but in provoking appetite. It is also advisable to remove coffee away, replacing it with any herbal tea. Mineral and clean drinking water is a priority. Fruit and vegetable juices, judging by the reviews on the keto diet, are not strictly prohibited, but they are a complete meal. In addition, they should be diluted by at least a third with water. You cannot cook compotes on dried fruits.

Of course, it is not worth remembering about any sugar-containing products: they are tabooed without any indulgences. But, besides this, cereals are also prohibited. Even dietary buckwheat, rice and similar cereals should not be consumed. You will have to forget about some of the vegetables and fruits. Specifically in the "risk group" potatoes, beets, carrots. They are especially dangerous when cooked. Among fruits, grapes, as well as bananas, are unacceptable. In addition, pasta, which is derived from wheat, and therefore, net carbohydrates, cannot be.

The basis of the menu for a keto diet is chicken eggs, cheese and cottage cheese. Meat and fish are connected to them, and this group should be given special attention. Herring and salmon received a special recommendation here. They will just increase the proportion of fat in the diet, which is necessary according to the principles of the method. In addition, nuts, among which almonds and cashews are valued, also allow you to achieve them. Meat can also be any, pork with lamb is not prohibited, but it is better to eat them rarely, mainly choosing poultry or veal for yourself.

The fat content of the dairy group of products does not play a role either. The keto diet is where low-fat cottage cheese is undesirable rather than necessary. Nevertheless, if this does not affect the calorie content of the diet in the best way, you can take the low-fat option.

How to make a keto diet menu?

meat for weight loss on a keto diet

According to reviews on the keto diet, you can make up the menu yourself, swapping the dishes as you like. The main thing is to follow the norms of calorie content and proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And here you need to know that although vegetables are allowed in small quantities, their "dose" is only 40-50 g at a time. But the same meat in one meal can be at least 100 g, and even 300 g. The same applies to the dairy group.

An example version of the daily menu:

  • Eggs are boiled for breakfast, served with sprigs of parsley and dill. Herbal tea is brewed with them.
  • For lunch - mild and not too salty cheese.
  • Any meat is boiled for dinner. You can make steam or baked meatballs from it by twisting the meat into minced meat, combining it with egg white, salt and onions.
  • For an afternoon snack, a protein shake is created or a handful of nuts are taken.
  • Recommended for dinner is a steamed piece of fish and salad leaves.

As for the protein shake, there are many recipes for it. The simplest is low-fat cottage cheese with milk and cinnamon. For those who really want to get at least some taste, reviews on the keto diet recommend adding a little natural pineapple juice. Not packaged!

In general, judging by the comments, the keto diet cannot be called easy. Despite the fact that her menu is not hungry and even quietly "coexists" with sports, it is quite problematic for many to stay on such a diet. But the results, consisting in the disappearance of the tummy and the drawing of the muscles, are usually worth it.